If you or someone you know is pregnant and needs support, we're here to help.

What Can Guys Do With an Unplanned Pregnancy?

Nothing can shake you quite as much as hearing your partner say, “I’m pregnant.” Now, what do you do? She’s the one pregnant, but you have a responsibility, too. We appreciate that you are concerned, and we hope we can offer some reassurance it’s going to be okay. Have You Discussed Your Options? Once the


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Let Yourself Be Found

I’ve had more than one Bible scholar tell me that, in the Bible a mountain top moment means an encounter with God. Often God is visibly seen and heard in Old Testament accounts of these experiences. In the New Testament Jesus, the Second Person of the Trinity, is also often described as being on top

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He Will Fight For You

In today’s Old Testament reading, God tells Moses, as the Egyptians are bearing down upon the Israelites, “Fear not!” He goes on to tell this beleaguered leader that they just need to keep still. The Lord God will fight for them. And so He does! I love this passage in Scripture. It gives me such hope

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I Want to Know

I just finished reading an amazing, moving article by National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez about the ‘pro-life’ movement. She writes about “healing our divided hearts.” I probably should just post her article and stop typing, but it’s got me thinking, as any well-written, thoroughly thought out piece of writing should. I am wondering why the ‘pro-choice’ side is

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We don’t hear much about mercy anymore. Have you noticed that? I find that disappointing and worry that we don’t hear the word because most people no longer practice mercy or know what it really means. Mercy has to do with compassion and with grace. Remember compassion, anyone? And who knows what grace means these days?

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Men Marching

A couple of weekends ago a rather impressive number of men gathered to witness for life, for babies and the women who carry them. And that is a beautiful thing. This year’s Men’s March Against Abortion in Washington, D.C. was a first so we can hope that the word will spread and more men will make the

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Sometimes You Lose, Sometimes You Learn

I saw this very true statement on some social media post a while back. I’m sorry I can’t recall where it was, but that doesn’t negate the veracity of it. This is where wisdom comes from: learning from the times we lose even though we tried with everything we had; learning from mistakes we wish we could

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