What Can Guys Do With an Unplanned Pregnancy?
Nothing can shake you quite as much as hearing your partner say, “I’m pregnant.” Now, what do you do? She’s the one pregnant, but you have a responsibility, too. We appreciate that you are concerned, and we hope we can offer some reassurance it’s going to be okay. Have You Discussed Your Options? Once the
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How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?
Just as every woman is unique, her experience physically and mentally with abortion will also be unique. There is no way to determine how you would be affected, but there are side effects and potential risks you should be aware of. Every abortion involves a certain amount of bleeding and cramping, but knowing how much
What Services Do Maternity Homes Provide?
Maternity homes provide comfort, stability, and a place to call home when a woman faces an unplanned pregnancy. Depending on their situation, women facing an unexpected pregnancy are often forced to find a new place to live. If this is your situation, please contact one of our two locations. You are always welcome at Lamb
Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?
What you choose to do about your unplanned pregnancy is one of the most significant decisions you will ever make. We’re glad you are asking about two of your options: abortion and adoption. Because we want you to make the best choice for your future, let’s look at both options closely. Does Abortion Make It
What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?
If you’re considering abortion for your unplanned pregnancy, knowing what to expect is critical. There is always the possibility of an incomplete abortion. Incomplete doesn’t mean the pregnancy wasn’t terminated. Your pregnancy has ended, but pregnancy tissue remains in your uterus after the abortion. You can experience an incomplete abortion with both surgical and medical
3 Things Needed Before Abortion
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion, there are three vital steps to take first. Start by confirming your pregnancy with a pregnancy test and ultrasound. Then, learn about all your options, including making an adoption plan. Finally, meet with your healthcare provider to discuss your health and the potential physical and
What Are the Different Types of Abortion?
There are two main types of abortion: medical (also known as the “abortion pill”) and surgical. Medical abortion is only FDA-approved if your pregnancy is 10 weeks gestation or under, while surgical abortion is typically performed later in pregnancy. Both types of abortion come with risks, so it’s critical to learn all you can before