If you or someone you know is pregnant and needs support, we're here to help.

How did you feel when you heard your partner say those three little words, “I am pregnant”? We imagine you felt complete disbelief mixed with fear. It’s understandable, but don’t panic. Here are some steps you should take:

  • Confirm her pregnancy first. It is possible to get a false-positive result depending on how and when she took a pregnancy test. Come to us for a no-cost pregnancy test and ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy.
  • Learn your options. Although she makes the final decision, both of you should learn what’s available.
  • Talk with her. Don’t shut down and say, “I support whatever you decide.” This is a big decision that she shouldn’t make on her own. Share your thoughts.
  • Don’t pressure her. You may know what you want her to do, but pressuring her only adds to her confusion.
  • Be there for her. She didn’t get into this position by herself. Whether you are still in a relationship or not, you owe it to her and yourself to be a part of the solution.

Come talk with us. We have men on staff who would be happy to speak with you about your situation. We’re here for you too.

Contact us today if you or someone you know is in a crisis pregnancy and needs extra support! You are not alone.

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