If you or someone you know is pregnant and needs support, we're here to help.

Love Them Both

 I have been working with a couple of maternity homes out here in California that, indeed, like my sign says “Love them both.” One is a home for women, each of whom  has chosen to place their child with a loving, adoptive family. (Yes, that’s Lamb of God!) The other takes in women also in unplanned pregnancy situations and may also take in other children the women have or will find a place for them to be together. Both are operated by amazing people who love unconditionally and will do so much to accompany a woman through pregnancy, delivery, and beyond. There are also many pregnancy resource centers here that want to support women and the babies they carry. 

While praying for the women and the babies, we were actually steps away from a Culture of Life Family Services clinic that is willing and able to assist and support women in unplanned/crisis pregnancies. These women will never feel so loved, I’m willing to wager. And, rather than feeling abandoned or judged they will find comfort and support in these homes and centers. The people I’ve met who are involved in the ‘womb to tomb’ life movement are truly walking the walk right along side women in need, and their babies, as well. 

I had not known nor understood what an incredible group of people are working to enhance the quality of life and to ensure the dignity of women and their unborn babies. I don’t do much at all in this arena beyond office work and phone calls. Since I got involved out here, though, I am humbled by the generosity and compassion I’ve witnessed and it makes me grateful that I got involved with the culture of life. The individuals I’ve seen in action out here are amazing.

And this is not unique to Southern California. Let us pray and perhaps financially and/or practically (through volunteering) support these amazing agencies and maternity homes. In so doing, you’ll truly be healing the women and the babies they carry who need compassionate care. I just think more people need to know about these options. It can make a real, positive difference.  

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