How to Navigate the Holidays with an Unexpected Pregnancy
The holidays are approaching, and for some, they can be an emotional time. If you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, you may feel overwhelmed with how to move forward.
With many family gatherings and time with friends, you may not know how to work through your pregnancy during this busy time of the year. In this blog, we’re here to offer some tips.
Create Strong, Healthy Boundaries
Before planning your holidays this year, set boundaries with those around you to feel best supported during this time. Think about what you want to share and what you don’t want to share. It’s completely up to you.
Know that you don’t have to answer a question from somebody around you if you don’t feel comfortable. Share something other than your pregnancy if you need to not focus on it for a bit. Bring a friend to certain holiday gatherings for extra support if needed.
Knowing your boundaries before the holiday gatherings and family time is key to your emotional health. You can do this.
Create Holiday Plans that Work for You
This holiday season may not look the same for you, and that’s okay. If you’re struggling mentally right now, you may want to isolate yourself. While we don’t recommend isolating yourself, it’s okay to connect with a smaller group than normal for the holidays. You need a support system during this challenging season.
If you are far along in your pregnancy and aren’t quite ready to tell certain family members or friends about it, celebrate the holiday on another date with your friends and family, or choose a smaller gathering. There is no shame in doing what’s most comfortable for you.
Extend Grace to Yourself
You are experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes right now with pregnancy. Give yourself lots of grace in the holiday planning process and everything that comes next. Remember to rest, relax, and enjoy time with the ones you love most.
Do You Need Support?
If you are still considering your pregnancy options during this busy holiday season, our compassionate team is here to walk alongside you. The Lamb of God Maternity Homes provide women facing unplanned pregnancies with a safe and peaceful home and many supportive services while they consider their options.
Learn more by talking with us today safely and confidentially about your unique pregnancy situation. You are not alone.
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