How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?
Of all the difficult discussions to have with your parents, telling them you’re pregnant has to be the hardest. Not knowing how your parents will react can be scary, but don’t worry. We’re here with you and can help you plan the best way to break the news. The following are a few suggestions.
Before Talking to Them
Before you do anything, you need to verify you are pregnant. A positive pregnancy test and pregnancy symptoms may not be enough. You should consider having an ultrasound.
An ultrasound reveals how far along you are, the pregnancy’s location, and if it is growing or if you have had a miscarriage. Believe it or not, over one in four early pregnancies ends in a miscarriage.
It’s possible to get a positive pregnancy test result even after a miscarriage because it takes your body time to return to pre-pregnancy hormone levels. We can provide a referral for an ultrasound in our area.
Don’t Put Off Telling Your Parents
When faced with a difficult task, it is tempting to put it off, hoping it will just go away. Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy, we recommend telling your parents. Even though the conversation could be awkward or uncomfortable, your parents should know.
It’s a big secret to try and keep, especially if you’re feeling some early pregnancy symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and frequently needing to urinate. Get peace of mind by letting them know.
Here’s Some Tips For Talking to Them
You’ve most likely gone over and over it in your mind. That’s totally natural. Here are a few suggestions to get the conversation started:
- Choose the Right Time
Pick a time when your parents are relaxed and no one is hurrying out the door. Ask them if they have time to talk. If your parents aren’t together, make sure both can sit for a moment and process the news. - Talk to Them in Person if Possible
No one wants to receive this information over the phone or by text. However, if you are concerned about your safety, speak with your parents in public or have a friend with you. If you are in an abusive situation, call the Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or contact our maternity home. - Start the Conversation With One of These Phrases
- Try Not to React to Their Response
The reality of being pregnant took a while for you to accept. Give your parents the freedom to express their disappointment, frustration, or concern. - Discuss Your Options
We know how stressful this is for you. While you consider your options, our team is here to walk alongside you. We can answer your questions, give you information, and help you plan for your future.
“I love you both and am sorry to disappoint you, but I’m pregnant.”
“I have something very important to tell you, but I know you will be upset with me.”
“I just took a pregnancy test, and it is positive.”
“There’s just no easy way to say this…I’m pregnant.”
How We Can Assist You
Many resources are available to you, and we’ll help you find them. Contact one of our homes. You will be amazed at the support services we offer. Here are a few of them:
- 24/7 Wrap-Around Care
- Healthcare
- Career Guidance
- Transportation
- Coordination with Outside Services
Call the nearest Lamb of God Maternity Home today. Or, fill out our online contact form. You and your future matter to us. Let us help you!
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