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Choose love

“Imagine the impact that we individuals could make by a simple choice. Where once we had chosen not to love, we now choose to love.” – Mark Mossa, SJ

I read this quote this morning on my very own Facebook account, in my Memories. I actually keep Facebook around at this point just to look at my memories, and to post encouraging or inspiring words like those above. I really do try to be a positive person in a world that is too often filled with too much negativity. 

There is a lot of anger out there and a lot of judgment and condemnation of those who think or believe differently. Additionally, there is very little forgiveness and not a lot of patience or compassion for those who are suffering, I’m sad to say.

But one place I have not found any of those negative tendencies is in maternity homes like Lamb of God or in the Pregnancy Resource Centers that operate to help any woman who finds herself in a crisis situation because she is pregnant. 

In my limited time working within the Culture of Life in San Diego I have seen firsthand how the people who are drawn, or better, called to this type of ministry are non-judgmental, incredibly forgiving, unfailingly humble, and hardworking – every day that they show up. And they do show up every day. 

Don’t let anyone who is pro-abortion tell you that the Culture of Life cares only for babies. A single day, a single hour, within any of these facilities reveals just how wrong that impression is. Spending time with these loving, compassionate, patient people (predominantly other women, by the way) inspires and humbles the inquiring visitor or office help like me who comes in once a week to help out where I can. 

I spent a couple of years as a committee member helping to organize the San Diego Walk For Life and I pray outside Planned Parenthood clinics during the 40 Days for Life campaign a couple of times a year. Because of those experiences that have allowed me to meet so many pro-life individuals, I have witnessed up close and personal the true love of neighbor that exudes from these individuals who only want to accompany a woman in need, to walk beside and help support her from pregnancy, through birth, through whatever else a woman may need after the baby is born. Whether she seeks to place her baby with an adoptive family or raise the child this woman may need all sorts of resources to attain her goals after the birth. 

The woman and child are precious in the eyes of the Lord and in the eyes of those who step forward to assist, giving their best and their ‘all’ to love them both. “Love them both” is my favorite slogan from the Culture of Life. It’s about Life for all involved. Fathers, too, if they want to come along, and the people in these homes and agencies want them to, so sincerely. 

It’s about love and about life. Life is given to each of us by our Creator who loves each one of us into being and beholds us every moment of that life. So each life is precious, each life is sanctified, each person, in the womb or carrying the baby, has dignity, regardless of the circumstances because they are each a child of the King. That’s what the Culture of Life is all about. The dignity of each person, and the love of neighbor who, as Jesus explains in the parable of the Good Samaritan, is every person we encounter, it is each of us. And Jesus also enjoins us to love and support “the least of these.” You can’t get much smaller or “least” than a baby in the womb. 

“Love them both.” Love each one. Love one another. The command is the same. We are not to discard anyone, at any stage of life. No life is worthless, no life is disposable. As a civilized society every citizen should work to support and welcome a woman in need. And the baby she carries should also be welcomed and loved, rejoiced over and allowed to thrive.

I just wanted to share my thoughts today on the importance of our maternity homes and pregnancy resource centers today because too many people have no idea. As I speak to friends and acquaintances about the world I’ve been blessed to become a part of in a small and insignificant way, I realize how true it is that not enough of the public knows what is really go on in the pro-life movement or what I like to refer to as the Culture of Life. May the culture at large learn of this life-supporting and life-enhancing Culture and be transformed to look and act just like those who are in it now, working for and loving them both – mother and child. 

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