Maternity Homes: What Do They Do?
Women become pregnant in all different phases and stages of life. Some women plan and try to conceive, while others are caught off guard by unexpected pregnancy news.
For women who fall into the unexpected or unprepared category, maternity homes can be a helpful resource to ensure women feel supported and taken care of during their pregnancies.
Keep reading to learn more about maternity homes, or contact Lamb of God Maternity Home for pregnancy support in Escondido, California, and North Salt Lake, Utah.
Helping Women During Unexpected Pregnancy
Unexpected pregnancy can stir many emotions and lead to questions about the future.
What should I do next? How will I pay for any expenses? Am I ready to parent, or should I consider another option?
During these times, Women can turn to maternity homes for help, especially when they do not have reliable housing. Maternity homes offer a safe place to consider pregnancy options and receive support, housing, essential needs, and various training for the future after pregnancy.
The Benefits of Maternity Homes
Maternity homes help women release stress and worries about how they can handle their pregnancies and allow them to focus on caring for their health and regrouping for the future.
They also provide community and support that women typically do not have access to during pregnancy. For example, maternity homes often enroll a group of women in their programs, allowing residents to form new friendships and encourage one another.
Depending on the maternity home, residents also have access to life skills classes, job readiness programs, and other helpful resources to prepare women to thrive independently after leaving the maternity home. Some women may even pursue new careers to help provide for their living situation and support their new child.
Additionally, maternity homes will often assess each woman’s specific needs and create individualized plans to help. These resources can include housing, drug treatment and support, domestic and sexual violence support, legal assistance, and more.
What Does Lamb of God Maternity Home Offer?
Lamb of God Maternity Home offers two locations in Escondido, California, and North Salt Lake, Utah. During their pregnancies, women can enjoy a safe, supportive, and peaceful home, along with 24-7 wrap-around care, spiritual direction, mentorship, career and vocational guidance, financial literacy, life skills, transportation, healthcare aid, and coordination with outside services and programs.
Contact Lamb of God Maternity Home to learn more about our two maternity home locations and information about our programs. We are here to support and encourage our residents during pregnancy and beyond.
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