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7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

7 Top Pregnancy Symptoms

If you’ve recently had unprotected (or even protected) sex and you’re not feeling well, you may be pregnant. A missed period is usually the first symptom of pregnancy, but you can have a change in your menstrual cycle for other reasons, too.

Let’s review the top seven symptoms and determine what you should do to confirm if you’re pregnant.

Common Early Pregnancy Symptoms

According to the Mayo Clinic, these are some of the most common pregnancy symptoms:

Missed Period

This is a classic sign of pregnancy. However, your menstrual cycle can change because of a hormonal imbalance, increased exercise, rapid weight gain or loss, or stress. 

Tender, Swollen Breasts

Hormonal changes might make your breasts sensitive and sore. 

Nausea With or Without Vomiting

This is commonly known as “morning sickness,” although it can occur anytime throughout the day.

Increased Urination

The need to visit the bathroom more often occurs because your kidneys process extra fluid that ends up in your bladder.


Sleepiness is a common occurrence in early pregnancy.


The flood of hormones can make you unusually emotional and weepy.


Once again, blame the hormones. You can feel bloated, similar to what you might experience at the start of a menstrual period.

How Do You Determine if You’re Pregnant?

Your first step is to take a pregnancy test. An at-home test is reliable, but you need to take it correctly. Here’s some advice from the Cleveland Clinic to get a more accurate result.

  • Check the expiration date.
  • Read the instructions thoroughly before you begin.
  • Wait until the first day after your missed period to test.
  • Take the test first thing in the morning when your urine is the most concentrated.
  • Wait the recommended amount of time to see your results.
  • Retest in 3 to 5 days to verify the results.

What Should I Do if the Test is Positive?

Once you’ve confirmed your pregnancy, it’s time to decide how to handle it. If you are contemplating parenting or are interested in learning more about making an adoption plan, contact Lamb of God Maternity Homes

We provide 24/7 care. Not only will you receive proper healthcare, but we’ll also provide transportation, career guidance, life skills training, and so much more. 

Take each day as it comes. Contact either of our locations and let us help you move forward to a bright future.

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